Lock Down Policy and Procedures Policy
January 2025
The safety of everyone in the nursery is given the highest priority.
There are some occasions when it may be necessary to keep the children inside the
nursery buildings for their safety. Examples range from a dangerous dog or an armed
adult roaming the nursery grounds to sheltering from the fumes given off by a
hazardous material spilt during an incident on one of the roads near the site.
Depending on the type and severity of the incident, you may be asked NOT to collect
your children from nursery as you may put yourself and your children at risk. You may
not be able to contact the nursery by telephone as we will be using this to contact the
authorities. Please listen to the local radio stations for information. There may also be
further information on the nursery website.
As a result of an incident your children may have been moved from their normal
playroom to another safer place within the nursery, so please, do not be unduly worried
if they are not in their normal room.
All children will be supervised at all times and communication with parents and carers
will be re-established once the incident has been dealt with or advice given from the
appropriate authorities/emergency services.
If the end of the day is extended due to the lock down, parents will be notified and will
receive information about the time and place, children can be picked up from office staff
or emergency lock down room.
Inform parents of context of lockdown and to encourage parent to reinforce with their
children the importance of following procedures in these very rare circumstances
In the event of a lockdown...
A member of staff will call the emergency services immediately.
Another senior staff member will inform each playroom to alert the staff that they
are in a lockdown situation. If children and staff are outside, they will shout LOCKDOWN,
repeat this several times to alert everyone.
The Manager or most senior staff member on the premises is to control the
All staff and children are to remain and or proceed indoors and follow lockdown
1. If outside, lockdown is announced, each adult is to gather up to 8 children each and
run inside with them as fast as you can.
2. Management and seniors are responsible for opening doors to allow everyone in.
3. Once everyone is inside, close doors and barricade with whatever is closest and close
all windows, pull down blinds on windows that have them.
4. Keep all children inside. Take the Ants and Butterflies children to the Butterflies sleep
area and the Crickets and Dragonflies to the Dragonflies sleep area and keep them calm
and as quiet as possible.
5. Once safe, use the emergency exit door to exit left into the car park (if this area is
unsafe, children and staff need to exit using emergency door in the Butterflies sleep
room and go left onto the field area.
6.Ensure all children are present and if possible all emergency medication e.g. Epi Pens,
Asthma Medication and parent’s contact details etc and take black emergency bag.
6. All doors to be kept closed. Main entrance to be locked and not opened.
7. Do Not Attempt to interact with the perpetrator.
If the danger enters the building
Try to run with the children out of the exit in the room onto the driveway and
run as far from the building as safely possible.
Follow directions from the manager or senior controlling staff member or lead officer
from emergency services An “All Clear” (said) announcement will end the lockdown. If a
Safeguarding issue arises from the situation then we follow the guidelines of the police
and the Local Authority.
Manager or senior controlling staff member to notify parents as soon as possible after
the lock down via website/phone calls/email etc.
This policy will be reviewed annually by the Day Care Manager